Comedy ‘Working Girl‎’ to be rebooted, Selena Gomez in talks to be producer


The comedy ‘Working Girl‎’ will be rebooted with Selena Gomez in talks to produce, it’s unclear if she’ll be the star, 20th Century Pictures is running it and it’s scheduled to go live on Hulu, with Ilana Pena (‘Diary of a Future President’) writing the screenplay.

Comedy 'Working Girl‎' to be rebooted, Selena Gomez in talks to be producer | FMV6

The original version, released in 1988, was directed by Mike Nichols and starred Harrison Ford, Sigourney Weaver, Melanie Griffith, Alec Baldwin and Joan Cusack.

The film tells the story of female secretary Tess smart and capable, but difficult to get recognition, repeatedly by the boss for the thorn in the side, she found the time to pretend to be a manager plan to reclaim their own achievements, and finally career and love double success.

Comedy 'Working Girl‎' to be rebooted, Selena Gomez in talks to be producer | FMV6

‘Working Girl’ was well received and Northern America box office broke 100 million, and received six Oscar nominations.

Comedy 'Working Girl‎' to be rebooted, Selena Gomez in talks to be producer | FMV6

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