‘The Batman’ star Robert Pattinson reveals what Batman fears the most

Movie World

New Batman star Robert Pattinson has revealed the biggest fear Batman faces in the upcoming “The Batman.”

As the film’s release date approaches, Robert Pattinson reveals what his Batman’s biggest fear is in a promotional interview for “The Batman.”

Over the past few weeks, Warner Bros. has been promoting “The Batman” with TV commercials, posters and accompanying merchandise.

'The Batman' star Robert Pattinson reveals what Batman fears the most

In order to maintain the pre-release publicity of “The Batman”, its main cast members also started a press campaign.

Understandably, they can’t talk about specific spoiler details about the blockbuster beyond what’s already been revealed, including the story’s main villain, The Riddler (played by Paul Dano), with Robert Pattinson sharing more about the character’s psychology Activity description.

Related Post: “The Batman” Box Office.

In an online interview with the media, Pattinson revealed what Batman’s biggest fear is, at least in the movie.

'The Batman' star Robert Pattinson reveals what Batman fears the most

According to the actor, he thinks the new Bruce Wayne’s biggest fear is being unmasked, which would reveal his secret identity as a wealthy industrialist from a prominent family.

“Perhaps what he fears the most is the mask being taken off and revealing the fact that Batman is Bruce Wayne. For him, it’s almost like an announcement of death – fighting as Batman in disguise.”

'The Batman' star Robert Pattinson reveals what Batman fears the most

The “The Batman” timeline is set shortly after Bruce Wayne became Gotham’s Dark Knight, and his fear of being exposed is entirely justified, especially since he hasn’t yet established his reputation in Gotham City.

In addition to Batman, the character tends to wander the city as another outcast. This allowed him to enter certain places without being considered one of the richest men in the metropolis.

It also makes his showdown with the Riddler all the more exciting, especially since the villain knows Batman’s secret.

In particular, the trailer hints at his family’s ties to Gotham City’s corruption case.

'The Batman' star Robert Pattinson reveals what Batman fears the most

Marvel Studios and Sony tackle the complexities of secret superhero identity after revealing Spider-Man’s true identity in ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ needs to be properly addressed.

It’s safe to say, however, that Bruce Wayne’s secret identity won’t be revealed in “The Batman,” as the film is essentially the character’s origin story.

But curiously, how did The Riddler find out who Batman really is in the first place? All of this will be revealed after the movie is released.

“The Batman” is in theaters.

Related Post: “The Batman” Robert Pattinson & Matt Reeves, “Los Angeles Times” photo.

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