“One Piece” Monkey D. Luffy actor exposed daily photo: spoof Roronoa Zoro with knife and fork

Movie World

A few days ago, the Netflix live-action ‘One Piece’ episode “Monkey D. Luffy” played by Iñaki Godoy released a daily photo on social media platforms, wearing a Chopper hat, holding a knife and fork to spoof Roronoa Zoro.

The show’s main characters are Mackenyu Arata as Roronoa Zoro, Emily Rudd as Nami, Jacob Gibson as Usopp, and Taz Skylar as Vinsmoke Sanji.

"One Piece" Monkey D. Luffy actor exposed daily photo: spoof Roronoa Zoro with knife and fork | FMV6

Netflix live-action ‘One Piece’ series Season 1 has 10 episodes and is currently being filmed, no start time has been announced.

The series is co-produced by Tomorrow Studios and Jiyosha, with Eiichiro Oda and others as executive producers and involved in casting. The series is currently undergoing intense filming and set construction.

"One Piece" Monkey D. Luffy actor exposed daily photo: spoof Roronoa Zoro with knife and fork | FMV6
"One Piece" Monkey D. Luffy actor exposed daily photo: spoof Roronoa Zoro with knife and fork | FMV6

The start date of ‘One Piece’ has not yet been announced, so interested viewers should look forward to it.

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