Kristen Stewart revealed why she felt scared when playing Diana

Movie World

Kristen Stewart and director Pablo Larraín attended the Venice Film Festival and shared their movie “Spencer”.

Kristen Stewart revealed why she felt scared when playing Diana

“Spencer” brings a new perspective to Princess Diana.

The movie “Spencer” tells how Diana decided to end her marriage with Prince Charles.

For many people, Diana’s story is tragic.

It’s not just those of us who watch movies, but Kristen Stewart himself admits that playing this role is a very stressful process.

In her words, it’s a bit creepy.

“Spencer” will take the audience back to 1991.

In this year, the royal family made a controversial decision-to remove the throne.

Kristen Stewart revealed why she felt scared when playing Diana

Kristen Stewart shared her experience of playing this role: “When shooting this movie, I felt a bit creepy mentally. Even though I was just fantasizing, I felt that sometimes, I seemed to have seen the end of the story. Telling a story that is no longer alive. People’s stories are terrible. I feel invaded. I never feel that we are invading anything, but that we have increased the diversity of a beautiful thing to some extent.”

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Kristen Stewart talked about her feelings about playing the late Diana, which is really scary.

In Princess Diana’s story, there are many controversies.

Kristen Stewart certainly handled these traps in his own way.

Kristen Stewart revealed why she felt scared when playing Diana

She said that she did not want to invade the privacy of the princess.

Compared to Princess Diana who has passed away, it is very difficult for her to play this role from the perspective of a third party, especially to sink herself into this role.

In response, she added: “When I made this movie, she was so alive to me, even if it was just my fantasy. But sometimes, my body and spirit will have forgotten that she has already Dead. Suddenly, I had an impression of what happened. Remember what she left. I was surprised by this new emotion. In fact, there have been a few times when her death completely broke me. I can’t accept it because I’m working hard to keep her alive every day.”

Kristen Stewart seemed to feel the power of Princess Diana’s legacy when he played this role.

When Diana died, she was only 36 years old. She left two children.

Kristen Stewart revealed why she felt scared when playing Diana

When she died, it caused a sensation all over the world.

I have to say that even now, she is still quite influential all over the world.

Spencer was Diana’s surname before marriage.

Not everyone knows this.

I think this is why this movie uses her last name.

The film premiered at the Venice Film Festival and won unanimous praise from the audience.

“Spencer” was selected as the “Best Film of the Year” by film critics.

Kristen Stewart revealed why she felt scared when playing Diana

There is also an atmosphere in Hollywood, that is, many film critics believe that this film is expected to make Kristen Stewart nominated for an Oscar.

In general, like many people, I look forward to this movie very much.

I hope “Spencer” will be liked by the audience after it is officially released.

Related Post: “Spencer” premieres in Venice, Kristen Stewart shines on the red carpet.

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