Everything is possible! “The Batman” worldview will not introduce Superman for the time being

Movie World

Recently, “The Batman” director Matt Reeves said in an interview about his views on integrating Superman into the world and his prospects for a sequel.

Matt Reeves talks about how Batman keeps fans with different versions of the Dark Knight in their minds, all thanks to Batman’s interactions with other DC superheroes.

For the director himself, he thinks the most important thing is to focus on “Batman” and build on that foundation as much as possible before adding other elements to guarantee the success of the film.

That doesn’t mean Matt Matt Reeves’ version of Batman v Superman won’t happen, it just doesn’t seem like it will happen in the near future.

Everything is possible! "The Batman" worldview will not introduce Superman for the time being

“I don’t think it’s out of the question that at some point in the future he will be linked with the rest of the DC Premier League, but that’s not my interest,” Matt Reeves said.

“I feel like we’re working with these amazing cast and crew to make this film a reality, and I’m pretty sure these characters in (‘The Batman’) are a fresh, different version. There’s a A lot of great characters, so what I’m really interested in right now is digging ‘into it’.”

“If all of a sudden there was Superman in the Batman universe, people would be very shocked. But to be honest, that’s not what I’m trying to do at the moment. I think if this does come out, it’s going to be something worth exploring. It’s an exciting challenge, but I have to try and make it happen through the lens. But at this moment, for me, the world is where I want to focus.”

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