“Twins” will make a sequel “Triplets”, Schwarzenegger will return to starring


On September 15, according to foreign media reports, the movie “Twins” will be a sequel.

The sequel is tentatively titled “Triplets”, and the original crews Ivan Reitman, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito all return.

"Twins" will make a sequel "Triplets", Arnold Schwarzenegger will return to starring

Tracy Morgan is new to join, and the film will start in Boston in January next year.

“Twins” tells the story of twin brothers created by scientists in an experiment.

One is Julius (Arnold Schwarzenegger), who is well-developed in virtue, intelligence, physical beauty, and handsome.

The other is a small Vincent (Danny DeVito) who has all the shortcomings of human beings.

The brothers were separated as soon as they were born, and they didn’t know each other’s existence until the age of confidence had passed.

After Julius reunited with his brother Vincent, whom he had never met, the two brothers decided to embark on the road to find their biological mother.

In the sequel, the newly joined Tracy Morgan will play the missing brother of Julius and Vincent for many years.

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