“Panama” Rotten Tomatoes is only 8% fresh and has an IMDB score of 3.3


The military action film “Panama” has a media score, its Rotten Tomatoes freshness is only 8%, and its IMDB score is 3.3.

The film is adapted from real events and tells the story of a former US Marine Corps mission in Panama.

"Panama" Rotten Tomatoes is only 8% fresh and has an IMDB score of 3.3

“Panama” is set in 1989 Panama, where James Becker (Cole Hauser), a able-bodied, medal-wearing ex-Marine, is dispatched by his former commander, Stark (Mel Gibson), to execute A high value deal.

"Panama" Rotten Tomatoes is only 8% fresh and has an IMDB score of 3.3

Due to the chaos of the local civil war, Becker must negotiate with assassins, beauties, and more to complete the mission.

With Stark by his side, Becker persevered desperately, hoping only to return home alive.

Related Post: Action movie ‘Panama’ starring Mel Gibson released trailer, it will be released on March 18 this year.

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