“Loki” Rotten Tomatoes is 95% fresh


“Loki” Rotten Tomatoes is 95% fresh, it has more ratings than “Wanda Vision”.

“Loki”, which started on June 9th, North American time, set a record for the first day of the Disney+ episode.

"Loki" Rotten Tomatoes is 95% fresh, it has more ratings than "Wanda Vision".

According to SambaTV statistics, the show attracted 890,000 North American users on its first day of broadcasting.

It exceeds the first day data of 759,000 in “Falcon and the Winter Soldier” and 655,000 in “Wanda Vision”.

Related Post:Marvel’s “Loki” reveals character posters,the last episode will be launched this week.

In terms of word of mouth, the freshness of “Loki” rotten tomatoes is maintained at 95%, and the Douban score is 9.2.

"Loki" Rotten Tomatoes is 95% fresh, it has more ratings than "Wanda Vision".

“Loki” is adapted from Marvel comics and belongs to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

“Loki” starring Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson, the story focuses on Loki who took the gem of space in another time and space in “Avengers 4: Endgame”.

Related Post:Hiddleston Appears at the London Screening of Marvel’s New Play “Loki”.

“Loki” describes his identity as a god of mischief and a shapeshifter, who appeared in multiple periods in human history and influenced historical events.

"Loki" Rotten Tomatoes is 95% fresh, it has more ratings than "Wanda Vision".

ABC News commented: “Tom Hiddleston has returned to the role he was born to play. He and Owen Wilson formed the new Marvel Dream Team. In one sentence, it is unparalleled!”

Related Post:Marvel’s American drama “Loki” confirmed to renew the second season.

It is reported that the second part of the “Loki” series will start shooting in January 2022.

Related Post:At the premiere of “Loki”, the male and female version of Loki was in the same frame for the first time.

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