AMC, the largest theater chain in the United States, is priced according to location: golden seats are sold more expensive


Want to watch a movie in the best seats in the cinema? You may have to pay more for it to do so.

Recently, according to media reports, AMC, the largest movie theater in the United States, announced that it will launch a new plan to adjust ticket prices during peak hours according to the seats of the audience. The best seats in the middle of the movie theater will be priced higher, while the front row seats will be priced lower and other seats will remain at standard prices.

AMC, the largest theater chain in the United States, is priced according to location: golden seats are sold more expensive | FMV6

The new pricing plan, called “sightline,” will be implemented immediately in some regions and slowly expanded to other regions. By the end of 2023, all AMC viewers will be buying tickets under this rule.

Eliot Hamlisch, head of AMC, said the theater’s zoned ticketing system will converge with other types of ticketing events (e.g., sporting events, concerts, etc.).

AMC, the largest theater chain in the United States, is priced according to location: golden seats are sold more expensive | FMV6

Elijah Wood posted

But it also drew controversy, with actor Elijah Wood speaking out against it on social media platforms, saying, “Cinema has always been a sacred democratic space for all people, and this new initiative by AMC Theatres is a punishment for low-income people and a reward for high-income people.”

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