“Morbius” and “Venom” in the same universe? Then there are only 2 possibilities for the cosmic Spider-Man setting.

Movie World

Among the many news that fans and fans have seen recently, in addition to Will Smith’s slap at the Oscars, the other may be the “Mobius” that has been commented on.

The content of “Mobius” was set after the premiere, and was criticized by many media and fans.

"Morbius" and "Venom" in the same universe? Then there are only 2 possibilities for the cosmic Spider-Man setting.

For the former, to be honest, this slap directly nearly doubled the ratings of the Oscars, and many Hollywood movie stars were also shocked by this scene!

When a reporter captured Nicole Kidman’s panic, he knew how exciting this scene would be if he watched it live.

"Morbius" and "Venom" in the same universe? Then there are only 2 possibilities for the cosmic Spider-Man setting.

However, for the latter Sony Pictures’ “Mobius”, most film critics gave feedback as “not good” and “bad movie setting”.

In particular, the movie has undergone several delays, which has made many content settings in this movie, allowing countless fans to experience the process of anticipation, gradually forgetting, then paying attention to anticipation, and then calmly rising and falling.

"Morbius" and "Venom" in the same universe? Then there are only 2 possibilities for the cosmic Spider-Man setting.

Now, the movie is finally about to enter the theaters again.

If the content of this film is really what the film critics and the media say, then the day “Mobius” is launched is the time when the audience will complain.

"Morbius" and "Venom" in the same universe? Then there are only 2 possibilities for the cosmic Spider-Man setting.

Some details about the setting in this movie have been exposed before. For example, which universe is the universe in which “Mobius” lives? Or is it true that the previously rumored “Spider-Man” was just a hot-button operation?

So, let’s go into detail one by one:

"Morbius" and "Venom" in the same universe? Then there are only 2 possibilities for the cosmic Spider-Man setting.

What kind of universe is “Mobius” in?

“Mobius” itself has rumors that the plot universe Morbius is in is neither the Marvel Cinematic Universe nor the Spider-Man universe created by Sony Pictures!

Related Post: It’s the ultimate crappy movie! Marvel’s “Morbius” Rotten Tomatoes is 20% fresh and has a very poor reputation! 

For this question, film director Daniel Espinosa recently gave the answer in an interview:

"Morbius" and "Venom" in the same universe? Then there are only 2 possibilities for the cosmic Spider-Man setting.

“”Morbius” and “Venom” live in the same universe. The same universe we see “Venom” leave at the end of “Venom: Let There Be Carnage‎” and also at the end of “Spider-Man: No Way Home” The universe that saw the return of “Venom”!”

This answer seems to solve two problems to some extent.

One is that Morbius’s plot universe environment is consistent with “Venom”, then, this also explains why “Venom” traveled to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in “Spider-Man: No Way Home”, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Vulture travels to Morbius’ universe.

"Morbius" and "Venom" in the same universe? Then there are only 2 possibilities for the cosmic Spider-Man setting.

The other one shows that since it is the universe of Venom, it is completely impossible to be the previous version of the Spider-Man universe of Sony Pictures Tobey Maguire, which also explains that the Spider-Man graffiti in “Mobius” is completely rubbish cause of heat.

Because, the Spider-Man version of that wall graffiti is Tobey Maguire’s version.

But from another point of view, according to this development, we have a chance to see a day when “Venom” and “Mobius” are in the same frame.

"Morbius" and "Venom" in the same universe? Then there are only 2 possibilities for the cosmic Spider-Man setting.

Which Spider-Man is in the universe of “Mobius”?

As I just said, “Mobius” and “Venom” are in the same universe, so naturally it can’t be Tobey Maguire’s version of Spider-Man universe, after all, Tobey Maguire’s version of Spider-Man universe has been launched earlier” Venom” version, but again, if Sony Pictures wants to build its own Marvel character movie universe with Spider-Man, it must intersperse some Spider-Man settings in “Mobius”, or foreshadowing.

"Morbius" and "Venom" in the same universe? Then there are only 2 possibilities for the cosmic Spider-Man setting.

In the previous interview, someone asked the director this way, and the director’s answer was:

“As far as I know, the audience will find out very quickly!”

"Morbius" and "Venom" in the same universe? Then there are only 2 possibilities for the cosmic Spider-Man setting.

Obviously, this answer is also an expected answer, after all, Sony Pictures must be planning something behind the scenes for its own Sony Marvel character movie universe.

"Morbius" and "Venom" in the same universe? Then there are only 2 possibilities for the cosmic Spider-Man setting.

Therefore, for “Mobius” or the cosmic background that accompanies the “Venom” series, there are only two directions to launch Spider-Man.

Either a brand new Spider-Man will come online, or even in this regard we can predict whether some Sony Pictures will simply launch female Spider-Man characters in the “Venom” and “Mobius” universes, such as Gwen Spider-Man.

"Morbius" and "Venom" in the same universe? Then there are only 2 possibilities for the cosmic Spider-Man setting.

Or Marvel can only start with “The Amazing Spider-Man”, the only possible fusion at present. After all, Tobey Maguire’s version of Spider-Man is impossible, Tom Holland’s version of Spider-Man is in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and only The next “The Amazing Spider-Man” currently has a relatively independent universe.

"Morbius" and "Venom" in the same universe? Then there are only 2 possibilities for the cosmic Spider-Man setting.

Therefore, Andrew Garfield’s Amazing Spider-Man is a better choice for Sony Pictures to install an existing Spider-Man in the Doctor Night and Venom universes.

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