Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

Movie World

The only enemy of Hollywood is itself!

No one can beat Hollywood movies, except themselves.

Once upon a time, for Hollywood blockbusters, some people chanted such slogans.

And Hollywood blockbusters were once in the box office rankings in the world, frequently occupying the top few places.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

The endless stream of sexy actresses is also a specialty of Hollywood.

Controversy aside, in the past two years, many people have indeed begun to lose trust in the so-called Hollywood blockbusters.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

This can be seen in movie ratings.

Most movies released in 2021 are basically sequel IP-based, and most of the movies have basically collapsed in word of mouth.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

Fast and Furious 9, 007, and the recently released “The Matrix 4” are all sequels of this kind of collapsed reputation.

Some people say that this is because of practical reasons, leading to the stagnation of Hollywood’s film industry.

Even in the early days, it was impossible to make movies, which was the main reason for the decline in the reputation of Hollywood movies.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

But in fact, even now, Hollywood still has a lot of crews working.

There are even some bad movies that have been filmed long before actual reasons, such as “The New Mutants”.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

It is also said that it is because of the various “political correctness” ideas that are prevailing and even flooding in Hollywood at this stage, leading to the initiative and deliberate catering to these ideas in order to avoid certain influences.

As a result, the narrative structure of the entire film is broken up, and when the audience sees the finished product, it is naturally difficult to empathize with the film.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

Compared with the analysis of the content of the movie, this argument goes further than the dumping at the source.

After all, watching movies as a spiritual cultural entertainment activity, the audience is more concerned about spiritual or visual satisfaction.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

As for the reflections revealed in the movie, it is more like an added value.

Therefore, when the audience sees the film, they have broken the narrative structure for the so-called “political correctness”, it is naturally difficult to recognize the film.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

After all, not every audience lives in a place where ethnic conflicts are very acute, and if they are not handled well, there will be “zero-dollar purchase discounts” to participate in.

Therefore, when the news of Black Superman and even Ariel of Mexican origin comes out, the audience will naturally doubt the quality of the film.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

After all, in the minds of most viewers, Superman and Mermaid have a fixed perception.

And now, Hollywood has broken the audience’s perception for part of the audience, but it has not been able to surprise the audience in the storyline.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

Naturally, it is difficult for the audience to be praised.

In addition, there is another important reason, that is, capital interferes with creation.

Indeed, realistic reasons and so-called political correctness will lead to a certain decline in Hollywood’s creation.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

But Hollywood, as a well-known film and television industry base for a century, is facing more turmoil than these two?

Even though Oscars have been ridiculed as “old white man” for many years, there are still many actors who are proud of holding a cup of gold?

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

The main reason for the decline in the reputation of Hollywood films is that capital has interfered with the creation.

Unlike the director-centered system implemented by most of our country’s crews, most of the Hollywood crews are based on the producer-centered system.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

Whether a movie is shot or not, and what it will look like, basically the producer has the final say.

Therefore, when it comes to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, many people think of the producer Kevin Feige, not the director of each movie.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

Even in the Fast and Furious series, Vin Diesel was able to add drama to himself so blatantly, which intensified the conflict between him and Dwayne Johnson.

It is because he is a producer.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

If the director can polish the film for the story in his mind, then the first task of the producer is to ensure that the film is to make money.

He is a first-rate producer who can make money and realize the director’s movie dream by the way.

But when the producer finds that making a movie in this way cannot make money, it will definitely lead to differences in the content of the movie, and then the production of bad movies.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

Throughout the past few years in Hollywood, most producers have embarked on the road of “mining.”

It is to stabilize income by shooting various IP movies, prequel, postquel, remake, restart, etc.

This is also the reason why Fast and Passion can still have the next one even when the reputation is getting lower and lower.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

Because even if the film’s reputation declines, SuJi can still make enough profits.

As long as it can make money, capital will not control word of mouth.

Only when a certain sequel movie is no longer making money, will capital stop the behavior of making bad money. They will switch to an IP and repeat the process of making money.

Hollywood has formed a trend of shooting derivative works: When capital interferes with creation, indulgence becomes the norm

Therefore, the audience feels that Hollywood movies are letting bad results appear.

It’s not feeling, but Hollywood movies are really creating bad things, just because capital is profitable from it.

The way to resist a bad movie is not to watch the movie, but the audience will also buy tickets to watch it out of feelings or out of love for a certain actor.

So it becomes an endless loop, capital is smashed, and the audience pays for their feelings. Movies make money, and capital continues to smash.

Therefore, under this mining trend, Hollywood movies have become the norm to let themselves go.

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