Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

Movie World

Although the DC film directed by Zack Snyder has a lot of controversy, it is undeniable that the Superman played by Henry Cavill has a lot of supporters.

Most viewers have long recognized him as Superman.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

However, recently there was news that Henry Cavill went to Disney’s office in London and discussed about joining the Marvel Universe.

Speaking of this, some people may look dumbfounded.

He played Superman so well, why did he go to DC’s old rival Marvel?

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

It is also interesting to say that “Superman” ran to Marvel, but it was actually an act of “forced choice”.

The first thing to say is that Henry Cavill really likes the character of Superman.

When he was selected in 2013, Henry Cavill often smiled like a child when filming on set.

Related Post: “Superman” Henry Cavill exposed his portrait photo, “I want to play Superman again if I have a chance”.

When interviewed by the media, he said he liked Superman very much and wanted to keep acting.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

Then why should he go to Marvel? This has to talk about Warner Bros. Pictures, the gold master behind DC.

The DC Cinema Universe has always been far less profitable than Marvel, and the gap in the box office is very large.

In particular, there is also “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”, the only film in the history of the movie that has less than twice the stamina in North America. Simply speaking, the commercial profitability rate is astonishingly low.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

Today, the IP value of Marvel Universe is 35.3 billion U.S. dollars, and DC Universe is only a little over 6 billion, which is even less than the value of Batman (27.7 billion) and Superman (9.3 billion).

Capital is profit-seeking, and DC Universe’s performance is not good. This destined Henry Cavill to be an abandoned son who can be thrown away at any time in the eyes of Warner.

In fact, looking at the arrangement of Warner Bros. Superman project, it really makes people wonder how to describe it.

Because of the current wave of black political correctness in Hollywood, Warner intends to change Superman to black in order to ride this ride.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

What you need to know is that the original comic has another black superman character who is not the same character as the white superman.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

But Warner Bros. made it clear that all of his stories about the newly established black Superman are “the story of the Superman that everyone is most familiar with.”

In other words, this is not the black superman of the comics being moved to the big screen, but the original white superman being changed race.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

In the set shots exposed in the previous “The Flash” movie, the superwoman who appeared in the film was not the original blond and blue-eyed white image, but a black-haired Latino.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

Supergirl is set to be Superman’s cousin, and Warner specifically found a Latin actress to star in, apparently because the future Superman is a black man, and his cousin can’t be a blond white woman.

Some children’s shoes may ask, what happened to the original Superman?

According to the future plan released by DC before, there is a superwoman project in the movie project, and the original Superman was transferred to the TV series “Superman and Lois”.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

This makes it interesting. Henry Cavill is a movie actor, and the TV drama version of Superman is also another actor, and has nothing to do with him.

To put it bluntly, Warner has actually given up Henry Cavill.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

What’s interesting is that when there was no news about the Superman project, many fans were anxious whether Henry Cavill would not play Superman.

Henry Cavill all responded that he was working hard to negotiate with Warner, he has not taken off the red cloak, he still wants to continue to put on the shirt and so on.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

However, Henry Cavill’s aggressive fight, what did he get in the end?

In May of this year, Henry Cavill’s birthday was originally a day that should be happily.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

Although news related to the Black Superman project was circulating on the Internet, Warner has never made an official announcement.

As a result, Warner Bros. chose to directly announce the establishment of the Black Superman project on Henry Cavill’s birthday.

And Warner Bros. also stated with great fanfare that it has been actively looking for suitable black actors to create a second “Black Panther” (“Black Panther” movie because of political correctness, the box office in North America was very high that year, even “Titanic” Was beaten and sunk).

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

It’s a good choice or not, but do you want to announce this news on your birthday?

To be honest, this is really a god who wants to lose his temper, but Henry Cavill has still not said anything bad about Warner in the media, which is already very rare.

This time, discussing with Disney about joining the Marvel Universe is completely understandable.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

It’s not that he doesn’t want to play Superman, but Warner has no plans to let him continue to play Superman. No matter how active he communicates, it will not help.

Warner only wanted to use the black political correctness to make a wave of money.

Not to mention that Warner made a special announcement on his birthday, as if mocking him.

It’s really better to go to Marvel, so you don’t have to be angry every day in DC.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

When it comes to the Marvel universe, this is a multi-tasking operation.

First, Henry Cavill’s superman image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and Warner’s operations have aroused many people’s dissatisfaction.

At this time, when Marvel accepted Henry Cavill, his speech was already at the commanding heights.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

Second, suppose that after the Black Superman movie comes out, the results are not good, and Warner will remember the original Superman again.

If Henry Cavill had joined the Marvel Universe at that time, he wouldn’t necessarily be able to return to being Superman.

In this way, Warner has completely become a big joke in the industry.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

It initially drove Henry Cavill away and showed it to others with a face. If he failed to get politically correct, he couldn’t even turn his head back.

Third, after the withdrawal of popular characters such as Iron Man and Captain America, these new leaders in the Marvel Universe have more or less troubles of their own.

Captain Marvel, due to the actors’ offensive remarks, passersby are very poor in the audience, especially the male audience is quite disgusted with it.

Black Panther, the original actor passed away due to illness, and he still has no idea how to succeed.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

Shang-Chi, not to mention this. Marvel wants to use him to open up the Asian market. From now on, it is a joke.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

At this time, people like Henry Cavill who have their own popularity and have played superheroes join in, which is undoubtedly a means of “prevention in case”.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

Whether it is to make the new role played by Henry Cavill the core, or to use him as the backbone of Captain Marvel when others are not working, there is a lot of room for maneuverability.

Fourth, Henry Cavill is indeed a very good actor, especially since he is quite low-key.

He was so angry with Warner in DC before that he never complained about it.

And Marvel’s favorite is this kind of honest and obedient actors who don’t make trouble.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

At present, according to previous news, if Henry Cavill joins the Marvel Universe, he is likely to play the role of “Captain Britain”.

Henry Cavill is going to work at Marvel? Who told Warner to change Superman to black?

From a practical point of view, there are too many heroes suitable for Henry Cavill in Marvel.

For example, setting a sentry that is as powerful as Superman, or Hercules, and so on.

There are not many heroes to choose from.

Let’s look at Henry Cavill’s next superhero road, what will happen.

Related Post: Why does Henry Cavill no longer play Superman?

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