“Captain America 4” producer: “Falcon” Sam Wilson must go through hardships


In the ending of the Marvel American drama “Falcon and the Winter Soldier”, “Falcon” Sam Wilson finally took up the shield and became a new generation of “Captain America”.

However, Marvel officials recently stated that Sam Wilson needs to work hard if he can truly afford this title.

"Captain America 4" producer: "Falcon" Sam Wilson must go through hardships

Marvel producer Nate Moore said in a recent interview that “Falcon” Sam Wilson must prove in “Captain America 4” that he can afford the title of “American Team”

Moore: “I think he is not Steve Rogers, and this is a good thing. To me, the New American team is like Stallone’s Rocky, he needs to fall into adversity first. He is not a super soldier, nor does he At a hundred years old, he did not have the help of the “Avengers”.”

"Captain America 4" producer: "Falcon" Sam Wilson must go through hardships

Although Sam Wilson inherited the mantle of Captain America in the finale of “Falcon and the Winter Soldier”, this does not mean that there is no opposition.

Moore said: “What will happen after this person publicly declares that he is the US team without any support? I think this is very interesting because he is an ordinary person. Although he has wings and a shield, he is still an ordinary person. .”

"Captain America 4" producer: "Falcon" Sam Wilson must go through hardships

“We want him to endure hardships, make him more worthy of this title, and see what happens after he overcomes all difficulties. What conditions do you need to become Captain America? I don’t think super soldiers are necessary, and we will also Prove this through Sam Wilson.”

Related Post: “Captain America 4” will be “Falcon” starring!

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