Marvel’s new drama “Moon Knight”: The new hero has super skills, and the premiere is full of suspense!

Movie World

Marvel’s new hero “Moon Knight” finally met everyone. As one of the important works of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the appearance of “Moon Knight” is really full of suspense.

At present, judging from the ratings, netizens have all given super-high scores, which is nothing short of a miracle.

Marvel's new drama "Moon Knight": The new hero has super skills, and the premiere is full of suspense!

Related Post: “Moon Knight”: It’s so dark, it’s really not Marvel at all.

So is this new Marvel drama worthy of such a high rating?

Judging from the content of the first episode, the director is simply full of suspense. The whole drama has no urine spots from beginning to end, and the plot is so tight that the eyes are not willing to blink.

As soon as the protagonist appeared, he created a lot of suspense for the audience. He slept in shackles, the bed was covered with sand, and the door was covered with tape, and all of this was done by himself.

Marvel's new drama "Moon Knight": The new hero has super skills, and the premiere is full of suspense!

With the recommendation of the plot, the audience will find that our protagonist turns out to be a museum salesman with multiple personalities.

Related Post: The first episode of the new Marvel superhero drama “Moon Knight”, IGN score 7 points .

What is even more frightening is that he will often have the hallucination of time and space shuttle, especially at night, he often appears in unfamiliar environments like sleepwalking.

Marvel's new drama "Moon Knight": The new hero has super skills, and the premiere is full of suspense!

What is the specific reason, the director chose the way of flashback, which also created a sense of suspense to the greatest extent.

A “Moon Knight” with no origin just appeared in front of the audience inexplicably.
Why he was possessed, why he had such a strange encounter, and why he was involved in the power struggle in ancient Egypt, there is no introduction at all.

But the plot has created enough fresh visual sense for these doubts. The protagonist will enter a fantasy world in a dream at night, encounter a series of painful encounters, and will always be “upper body” and lose consciousness whenever danger occurs.

When he awoke, all dangers had been resolved.

Marvel's new drama "Moon Knight": The new hero has super skills, and the premiere is full of suspense!

The most shocking is the moment when Moon Knight arrives at the end of the first episode, and his white robe looks mysterious and strange.

Although the TV series does not explain the characteristics of the new heroes too much, it is not difficult to find from the comics that Moon Knight is actually somewhat similar to the Marvel version of Spider-Man.

Marc was a former mercenary warrior who was seriously wounded in a desert operation and finally died in an ancient tomb, which coincidentally belonged to the moon god Khonsu.

The moon god resurrected Marc and arranged for him to be his agent in the world. From then on, Marc started an extraordinary life journey.

Marvel's new drama "Moon Knight": The new hero has super skills, and the premiere is full of suspense!

Moon Knight has a super combat ability at night, not only can be invisible in the dark, but also can use the moonlight to repair wounds.

However, under the dual blessing of Marc’s self-will and Luna, multiple personalities often appear, which is a bit like “venom”.

But this seemingly flawed mentality gives Moon Knight a huge advantage.

He can easily control other people’s weapons, and it should be easy to control Thor’s hammer.

Marvel's new drama "Moon Knight": The new hero has super skills, and the premiere is full of suspense!

Because of this, Moon Knight has a higher immunity to control from the mind, which may be unmatched by other heroes.

Because of Moon God Khonsu’s empowerment, Moon Knight’s ability is in a state of infinite expansion. He can even see spiritual bodies with the help of Moon God’s ability, and even outer space will not affect his state at all.

Let’s wait and see how such a new hero will open up new heights for the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

Related Post: Does “Moon Knight” look good? After the first episode aired, word of mouth exploded.

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