Is Emma’s “Beauty and the Beast” already at the peak? That’s because you haven’t seen the “French version”

Movie World

I thought Emma’s “Beauty and the Beast” was already at its peak, but the “French version” would be even more exciting.

Disney has been working hard to remake “live-action movies” in recent years. It seems that cartoons can no longer be satisfied, and Disney’s money-making plan.

Is Emma's "Beauty and the Beast" already at the peak? That’s because you haven’t seen the "French version"

Disney’s cartoons have always been at the ceiling level in the industry, but “live-action” movies are average in terms of box office and word of mouth.

To put it simply and clearly, the “live-action” movies produced by Disney are two extremes compared to animated movies.

Every “live-action” movie is released with controversy, and the ratings after the release are not high.

Take the “Disney Princess” series of movies, most of which are inferior to the original animation.

However, the live-action version of “Beauty and the Beast” is the best “live-action” movie reviewed by Disney.

Mainly “Emma” starred in Princess Belle, who attracted everyone’s attention to Princess Belle.

There are other bad things in the movie that the audience can choose to ignore.

In the true sense, “one person saves a movie”!

Is Emma's "Beauty and the Beast" already at the peak? That’s because you haven’t seen the "French version"

But the Emma version of “Beauty and the Beast” is indeed a very good Disney live-action movie.

Related Post:Beauty and the Beast.

However, I thought that the Emma version of “Beauty and the Beast” was already at its peak, but the French version of “Beauty and the Beast” was even more outstanding!

Is Emma's "Beauty and the Beast" already at the peak? That’s because you haven’t seen the "French version"

The French version of “Beauty and the Beast” is a movie born in 2014.

Although it is called “Beauty and the Beast”, it is quite different from the plot in “Beauty and the Beast” that we are familiar with.

Fortunately, Princess Belle and Prince Beast in the main line have not changed much.

As for what it means that the French version of “Beauty and the Beast” is better than the Disney version? That’s because you haven’t seen the “French version”.

Is Emma's "Beauty and the Beast" already at the peak? That’s because you haven’t seen the "French version"

Due to the large difference in the plot, we ignore the plot and let’s just watch the scene of the French version of “Beauty and the Beast”.

It can be described as “shock”, in layman’s terms: this landscape is definitely expensive!

Otherwise, there is absolutely no such gorgeous effect!

Is Emma's "Beauty and the Beast" already at the peak? That’s because you haven’t seen the "French version"

As we all know, the main style of “Beauty and the Beast” is gorgeous, so Princess Belle’s dresses are the most gorgeous set among Disney princesses.

Is Emma's "Beauty and the Beast" already at the peak? That’s because you haven’t seen the "French version"

In animation, it is still very difficult to construct gorgeous and extraordinary scenes, let alone create realistic scenes in the real world.

Is Emma's "Beauty and the Beast" already at the peak? That’s because you haven’t seen the "French version"

The scenes of the French version of “Beauty and the Beast” are not only gorgeous and exquisite, but more importantly, they are textured. People watching movies are like being in a French court. It’s an audio-visual feast!

Is Emma's "Beauty and the Beast" already at the peak? That’s because you haven’t seen the "French version"

Some people may not know that the French version of “Beauty and the Beast” is the original plot, and the Disney version of “Beauty and the Beast” is adapted.

Is Emma's "Beauty and the Beast" already at the peak? That’s because you haven’t seen the "French version"

Therefore, looking at the French version has a more original feeling, and the French version uses a lot of special effects, even the prince of the beast is a beautiful beast!

Is Emma's "Beauty and the Beast" already at the peak? That’s because you haven’t seen the "French version"

If you simply like Emma, ​​and you like the Disney version of “Beauty and the Beast”, it is very normal.

Is Emma's "Beauty and the Beast" already at the peak? That’s because you haven’t seen the "French version"

But if you like the story of “Beauty and the Beast”, I strongly recommend you to take a look at the French version of “Beauty and the Beast” and you will be shocked.

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