Inventory of the richest superheroes in history: Iron Man who is richer than a country is not the richest!

Movie World

How much does it really cost to be a superhero? From fancy weapons and suits, to training to keep your heroes in top shape, being a superhero doesn’t come cheap.

So, who are the richest superheroes in movie history?

7 Batman/Bruce Wayne

It’s no surprise that Batman made the list. Bruce Wayne is the CEO of Wayne Company, and he inherited a huge fortune from his father.

The playboy billionaire attends charities by day and plays Batman on the streets at night, helping to fight Gotham’s rampant criminals.

Inventory of the richest superheroes in history: Iron Man who is richer than a country is not the richest!

Bruce Wayne loves to show off his wealth. He lives in the mansion of Wayne Manor and owns a dazzling array of luxury cars and motorcycles.

Most importantly, his exploits as an industrialist funded his chivalrous activities.

From crazy gadgets like the Batdart to our coveted Batmobile with remote start, Batman is never short of gear.

From Tim Burton’s “Batman” to Matt Reeves’ “The Batman,” every film features Bruce Wayne’s expensive gear, gadgets, and weapons.

Related Post: IGN’s Top 10 Most Powerful Superheroes in Marvel Movies.

6 Professor X/Charles Francis Xavier

Not only was Professor X one of the most powerful members of the X-Men and their designated leader, but he was also a very wealthy man.

Like Bruce Wayne, Professor X inherited most of his fortune from his stepfather.

Inventory of the richest superheroes in history: Iron Man who is richer than a country is not the richest!

Professor X is responsible for funding the operations of the X-Men, as well as his school “Professor X School for Gifted Boys”.

He not only supplies all kinds of living and school supplies for all the school students, the young mutants, but also pays for a series of expensive equipment and machines that the X-Men need to complete their missions.

While he was the main sponsor of the X-Men, he wasn’t the only one, with Magneto and Emma Grace Frost providing him with some funding as well.

Interestingly, none of the X-Men films have delved into how rich Professor X really is.

5 Black Panther/T’Challa

T’Challa is the ruler of Wakanda, and while that means he has a big responsibility to shoulder, it’s not without benefits.

T’Challa owns Vibranium, a rare metal unique to Wakanda that is worth $10,000 a gram.

Inventory of the richest superheroes in history: Iron Man who is richer than a country is not the richest!

Vibranium contributes to Wakanda’s technological advancement, and Vibranium is abundant in reserves, estimated to be worth $90 trillion, which is financially and technically helpful to Wakanda.

With a whopping $500 billion net worth, T’Challa from “Black Panther” is the richest superhero ever.

4 Emma Grace Frost/White Queen

The White Queen’s presence on the list may come as a surprise to some, but Emma Grace Frost is really rich.

Unlike Professor X, White Queen’s wealth comes from using her superpowers at the Hellfire Club to trick men into giving her more money.

Inventory of the richest superheroes in history: Iron Man who is richer than a country is not the richest!

On top of that, Emma Grace Frost now earns more as CEO of Frost International.

Frost has come a long way from being a once homeless stripper to becoming one of Marvel’s few billionaires.

Now Emma Grace Frost has already changed from a super villain to an ally of the X-Men, using her wealth and Professional X to fund the X-Men.

While Emma Grace Frost has only been featured in “X-Men: First Class” (so far), it’s clear that she’s really rich.

3 Tony Stark/Iron Man

In “Iron Man”, Tony Stark was an extremely smart and wealthy businessman before he became a superhero.

Tony Stark inherited his position at the company through his father Howard Stark as CEO of Stark Industries and the leading supplier of almost everything in the Marvel Universe.

Inventory of the richest superheroes in history: Iron Man who is richer than a country is not the richest!

Tony has inherited his father’s legacy by developing state-of-the-art technology.

Ultimately, he financed the development of the famous Iron Man suit, as well as the operational expenses of his superhero group, the Avengers.

While Tony Stark isn’t the richest hero in movie history, his net worth at $12.4 billion surpasses Bruce Wayne as one of the highest net worth people in movie history.

2 Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic

The brilliantly brilliant Reed Richards, aka Mister Fantastic, is not only the leader of the Fantastic Four, but his talent has earned him a lot of money over the years.

Reed Richards earned his degree at the age of 20, and the inventions he was responsible for made him a lot of money.

Inventory of the richest superheroes in history: Iron Man who is richer than a country is not the richest!

In addition to this, Reed Richards used the money he earned for scientific development to help the U.S. government prepare for any possible war.

Thanks to his shrewd investments and patents on groundbreaking inventions, Reed Richards has amassed a fortune.

The character was last seen in a live-action film in the failed reboot of Fantastic Four in 2015.

However, there is speculation that Mister Fantastic will appear in the latest Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness.

1 Arthur Curry/Aquaman

Aquaman may not be as profitable as Reed Richards, but he comes from an old rich family. As ruler of the oceans, Aquaman rules over 70% of the planet.

In addition to his royal status, Aquaman has access to millions of shipwrecks in the ocean and holds treasures worth hundreds of billions of dollars, which he can access at any time along with anything of value in the ocean.

Inventory of the richest superheroes in history: Iron Man who is richer than a country is not the richest!

As a result, Aquaman far surpassed Batman as the richest superhero in the DC universe.

In the DCEU, Aquaman made his first cameo appearance in “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”, followed by a supporting role in “Justice League”, followed by his solo film “Aquaman”.

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